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“Over the two year period we worked together, the income I generated through trusts and foundations tripled.”

Cynthia Walsh, Trusts and Grants Manager at the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society

Lesley Hynes

The changing face of philanthropy

90% of individuals surveyed in Barclays Wealth's 'Barriers to Giving' report cite efficiency and administration costs as the most important factors in selecting a charity.

It should come as no surprise to fundraisers that donors need assurances that their funds will achieve maximum impact, but what the report says to me is how philanthropy has changed.

In the light of recession it is easy to say that donors want more for their money, but this trend - the pursuit of the wealthy generous of leaner more efficient charitable activity - has been developing for many years.

The infiltration of a largely unchanging and traditional philanthropic sector by younger philanthropists, hedge fund managers and self-made multi millionaires, has given it a much needed jolt. These donors want to see results, they want vision and good leadership, and they don't want any waste. They also tend to want involvement. Whilst some fundraisers might find this intrusive we should look positively on this as it makes their buy-in of our charity even more robust.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking those philanthropists who give because they are moved by the cause - in fact it is they who will probably help us all along the bumpy ride through post recession - but this new (ish) breed is great for charities, and ultimately for their beneficiaries. 

So, make sure you are ready for them.  Start thinking like them or they will move onto the next charity to find what they're looking for.

You can read the full report here.