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“Lesley has a knowledge of major donor and trust fundraising which is rare and invaluable.”

Jane Burns, Head of Fundraising, YMCA England

Lesley Hynes

News & Blog

The NoNo and the ProNo


A new research paper from Cass Business School 'The Art of Refusal: Promising Practice for Grant Makers and Grant Seekers' presents the findings of a study of experiences at the point of grant refusal among both seekers and makers of grants to charities.

How charities can help boost giving


Charities can play an important role in revitalising giving by individuals, according to a recent NPC report, 'Ten ways to boost giving'

Keeping on top of forthcoming changes to Gift Aid


If you have any individual major donors who typically give at around this time of year, you could benefit by letting them know about changes to Gift Aid which are looming.

Lottery grant success for Diabetes UK


Congratulations to Lesley Hynes Fundraising client, Diabetes UK. The charity has just secured £414,000 from Big Lottery Reaching Communities for its 'Healthy Lifestyles Road Show'.

Talking about Results


'Talking about Results', a new report by New Philahthropy Capital has found that whilst 90% of the charities analysed were good at talking about what they did, less than half could describe effectively the impact of their work, i.e. their outcomes.

Showing 1 - 5 of 11 Articles