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The NoNo and the ProNo
A new research paper from Cass Business School 'The Art of Refusal: Promising Practice for Grant Makers and Grant Seekers' presents the findings of a study of experiences at the point of grant refusal among both seekers and makers of grants to charities.
The report will be most useful for fundraisers new to trust fundraising, as it should help them to gain an understanding of the culture of grant making.
The most interesting part for me was the reconfirmation that grant makers want organisations to be honest about their needs and state of health and to admit if something hasn't gone according to plan rather than paper over the cracks.
The full report can be found here.
It is worth a read if only for definitions of the NoNo (the straight 'no') and the ProNo (an encouraging 'no').
Now, if that doesn't sum up the crazy world of grant seeking, I'm not sure what does...